134 results total, viewing 31 - 40
WE ARE READ IN ISRAEL — Renee Kaminitz (Left) and Sue Mayes (center) – both from Middletown – with Barbara Goldstein, deputy director of Hadassah’s Office in Israel at the … more
WE ARE READ IN JAPAN – Philip M. Weinstein traveled recently to Magome, Japan, and included Jewish Rhode Island on his trip. more
We Are Read in France – Cliff Stern of Pawtucket at Utah Beach in Normandy during a family trip to France. more
We Are Read in Israel – Participating in the recent Temple Beth-El trip to Israel are (left to right) Gail Galkin, Margie White, Diane Ducoff and Susan Epstein. more
MAZEL TOV – Marilyn and Jonathan Glantz, of Cranston, celebrated 31 years of marriage during a February vacation to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. They met at a Jewish singles dance at … more
Participating in the recent Temple Beth-El trip to Israel are (left to right) Gail Galkin, Margie White, Diane Ducoff and Susan Epstein. more
 Cliff Stern of Pawtucket at Utah Beach in Normandy during a family trip to France. more
We are read [Photo gallery]
Cliff Stern of Pawtucket at Utah Beach in Normandy during a family trip to France. more
We are Read in Israel – Ken Schneider of East Providence recently returned from his 13th volunteer trip to Israel with “Volunteers with Israel.” For three weeks, he was on an IDF … more
We Are Read in the Grenadines — South county residents Marc and Miriam Ladin and Gary and Lesley Engelson sailed Grenada and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. They also celebrated Hanukkah and … more
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