134 results total, viewing 41 - 50
“Moe” was born in London – in Whitechapel – in 1904.  His father had hiked across Europe, a “foot-goer” among a generation of migrating scouts in quest of work … more
In my school days, we had to learn poems by heart and then recite them by rote on the auditorium stage.  I remember Ralph Waldo Emerson’s ode to the month of May, “The … more
Here’s hoping that one or more of the customs of Lag B’Omer fit my past, present and planned projects. It’s a holiday known for bonfires and weddings and ... haircuts. Once upon … more
I first set foot in Israel during its Bar Mitzvah year, and since then, I have identified with the maturity of its status.  I wrote about that visit and voyage for the Rhode Island School of … more
Esther Safran Foer has written what she calls a “post-Holocaust memoir,” titled “I Want You to Know We’re Still Here.” I teach a book that her son Jonathan wrote … more
She was the family beauty, the winner of the prize for being the prettiest girl in her high school graduating class in Montreal.  She was the only, lonely child of my mother’s eldest … more
Twelve has always been my lucky number.  I was born on the 12th of the 12th, and I live at number 12 in the winter and in my summer cabin as well.  Among the dozen tribes of Israel, I … more
My only survival skill lay in words. I was too myopic to play ball as a boy, with a blind spot that allowed for a blow to my head before I knew what hit me.  I could fight back only by being … more
Did you know that a pigeon is a dove and that the word “columbus” means just that in Latin, the bird that makes a cooing, melancholy melody over all the continents and builds … more
It’s time to look backward and forward.  Now, I am one who doesn’t like slogans, but I came across one I did like over the summer.   “Love Where You … more
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