RICI names new executive director, continues outreach


In December, the Rhode Island Coalition for Israel (RICI) launched a successful pilot of a training program in Spanish for the Latino Christian community in order to provide education on Israel from a biblical, historical and political perspective.

This program was designed jointly by RICI staff, Latino pastor and teacher Jenny Rosario and Latino faith leader Yasmin Rincon to ensure it was culturally relevant. Over 20 participants from various Latino churches in Rhode Island participated, and many have agreed to share the information and present to their congregations in order to dispel myths and spread accurate information about Israel. Current census data has shown that Latinos are the fastest-growing demographic in the state, and that they make up 40% of the population of Providence. In the last several months, RICI has facilitated multiple trainings and discussions with the Latino community about Israel, including most recently with a group of youth at Evangelica El Mesias church in Providence.

At the end of December, Maria Friedman took over as executive director of the organization, upon the retirement of former executive director and founder Howard Brown. Friedman had been serving as assistant director for a year and says she is excited to start a new chapter and new alliances in the community. She can be reached at maria@ricoalitionforisrael.org

Jewish Rhode Island staff