Calendar of events

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Calendar feed

Monday, October 11, 2027

Yom Kippur

Day of Atonement

Friday, October 15, 2027

Erev Sukkot

Feast of Tabernacles

Saturday, October 16, 2027

Sukkot I

Feast of Tabernacles

Sunday, October 17, 2027

Sukkot II

Feast of Tabernacles

Monday, October 18, 2027

Sukkot III (CH''M)

Feast of Tabernacles

Tuesday, October 19, 2027

Sukkot IV (CH''M)

Feast of Tabernacles

Wednesday, October 20, 2027

Sukkot V (CH''M)

Feast of Tabernacles

Thursday, October 21, 2027

Sukkot VI (CH''M)

Feast of Tabernacles

Friday, October 22, 2027

Sukkot VII (Hoshana Raba)

Feast of Tabernacles

Saturday, October 23, 2027

Shmini Atzeret

Eighth Day of Assembly